The Potency of Prayer
1. The potency of prayer hath subdued the strength of fire; it hath bridled the rage of
lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished wars, suppressed the elements, expelled
demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven , assuaged
diseases, repelled frauds, rescued cities from destructiion, strayed the sun in its
course and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt.
Prayer is all - efficient panoply, a treasure in diminished, a mine which is never
exhausted, a sky unobscured by clouds, a heaven unruffled by the storm. It is the
root, thefountain, the mother of a thousand blessings.
2. Dr. Alexis CaL'ei-Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology.
Realised from laboratory observations that cancer patients for whom medical treatments had failed were responding to prayer. To their amazement, they noticed physical shrinking of cancer cells as people were praying for the patients's divine healing. Dr. Alexis compared prayer to the force of terrestrial gravity.
3. Dr. lerome Stoweii - An Atheist.
Noticed a strange phenomenon as they tried to measure electrical impulses generated by actively engaged minds. They measured brain impulses of someone who was cursing Jesus Christ on his death bed and found that the measurement needle swung in the negative direction and maxed out. They then measured that of a dying Christian who was praying and found that the same needle swung in the positive direction and maxed out. When they analysed the impulses, they calculated to their amazement that the force generated by the impulses of the praying Christian was over fifty times that needed to send a radio impulse to the furthermost parts of the earth.
2. Dr. Alexis CaL'ei-Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology.
Realised from laboratory observations that cancer patients for whom medical treatments had failed were responding to prayer. To their amazement, they noticed physical shrinking of cancer cells as people were praying for the patients's divine healing. Dr. Alexis compared prayer to the force of terrestrial gravity.
3. Dr. lerome Stoweii - An Atheist.
Noticed a strange phenomenon as they tried to measure electrical impulses generated by actively engaged minds. They measured brain impulses of someone who was cursing Jesus Christ on his death bed and found that the measurement needle swung in the negative direction and maxed out. They then measured that of a dying Christian who was praying and found that the same needle swung in the positive direction and maxed out. When they analysed the impulses, they calculated to their amazement that the force generated by the impulses of the praying Christian was over fifty times that needed to send a radio impulse to the furthermost parts of the earth.