DIG THROUGH THAT ROOF! Mark Chapter 2:1-12

Reading today's scripture, vs 4 says "When they could not come nigh unto Jesus, because of the Crowd, they uncovered the roof". The Amplified Bible says: " They dug through the roof...". What Manner of Faith!

Digging is tough! Waiting is tough! But Listen Child of God: The way TO is always THROUGH! Yes there is always a way (a roof) out of every battle! Find It! Refuse to give up. If these Men saw the crowd and gave up, the Devil would have rejoiced, but they had a stubborn determination and persistence to open the roof.

Yes every obstacle has an opportunity and every opportunity has an obstacle, but never forget that for every crowd of delay or disappointment, there is a roof if appointment! Patience will show you the roof!

Dig through that roof because this is your special month. Happy New Month People of God.


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